The Hale’s Kids Corner
Emergency Preparedness: Weather Alerts and Family Safety
Don’t wait to prepare for a weather disaster until after one strikes. Listen to your local weather station and plan accordingly. Have an emergency plan in place that will give your family ease of mind.
Storm Fun? Think Ahead to Ease the Stress!
Storm prep doesn’t have to be all about food and water. What will your family do after the storm? Back-yard BBQs, fishing trips, and board games can all help reduce stress for the family when the roads are not safe for travel.
2016-18 Teen Staff Participant: Ian Wolfe
Dinwiddie’s Teen Staffing Programs allows teens to gain valuable work experience in the fields they wish to make careers. Hale’s believes in giving teenagers early work experience that will help them develop career skills they can use for the rest of their lives.
Wind, Weather and Fire Safety
Ever wonder why Firefighters watch the silent ways nature works? Why is atmospheric pressure so important to weather, wind and fire? Wind can do many things, good and bad. Wind can cool us down, heat us up and it all depends on the atmospheric pressure and jet streams.
Let’s Climb a Tree!
What fun to climb trees! No matter the season, tree climbing is a rite of passage for kids of all ages. Trees give us a place to dream, peace to reflect on life and the sheer height to make the world seem able to be conquered in one leap. Before we climb that tree, there are several precautions we should take to keep us safe and able to climb many more trees.